2011-01-07 08:14:38 UTC
The Backstory:
So, I started crocheting about a year back as a means to relax - I can't seem to sit still unless my hands are busy. Due to my lackluster performance as a crocheter, I moved on to knitting looms and seemed to do considerably better. Here's where it gets bizarre...
I am an engineering student, I can't seem to leave anything at "good enough", so I've got it in my head to suck the relaxation and enjoyment out of a perfectly good hobby by building an overly complicated, Rube Goldberg-esque machine to do my knitting for me!
I also reckon that if I'm going to go through all the trouble of building a computerized knitting machine, it ought to do things I can't. I can barely successfully change colors when I knit, and I sure can't knit pictures, yet these are things I wish my robot to do!
My robot will be using a layout of two rows of 22 latch hooks to act as "long loom" in the beginning, if that makes any difference (or sense).
So, as I said way up at top...
If anyone can guide me to some excellent loom knitting websites that explain the mechanics of all the more difficult feats possible with a knitting loom, I would be much obliged!