Most full size fabric stores have them. I shop at Jo Ann's, and Hancock Fabrics, which both carry them.
I wouldn't want to buy one that was used by someone else. I have heard that a lot of items on ebay were recycled from the Katrina floods.
2006-03-31 07:04:34 UTC
If you are talking about the type that dressmakers use to fit clothing on while they are sewing them, you could actually make one. I've seen a couple of online tutorials on how to do this, very cheaply too. Just do an online search under dressmaker-or tailors-mannequin tutorial. You might have to look at a couple of sewing sites also, to find it. Also, try costume tutorial-I think that's how I found one.
2006-03-30 18:43:41 UTC
Try and enter "dress mannequin" in the search field. When I did, I found several, from about $50.00