1: use as blinds, they stick to windwos well
2: fold multiple times and bend to be used as pojectiles in office warfare
3; i use a small post-it pad to tilt my monitor forward a bit because its easle does not have a tilt function.... stupid monitor...
4: post-its are wonderful for concealing parts of documents when photo copying
5: post-it's work wonderful as blinders when you need to focus on work
6: decoration and drawing on walls using post-its is fun, you can make 8 bit characters on your walls...
7: i use post-its at my parents place to block off buttons on the remotes that my mom does not need to mess with... she still does mess with them though, and then i need to fix what ever she breaks...
8: post-its are perfect little flags for decoration when attached to a pencil... white one for surrender, red ones for war declared, blue for a ceasefire, yellow for temporary ceasefire due to office duties or important visit, and pink for request for treaty meeting... office warfare evolved...
9: can be used as paper stuffing for a office pets cage.
10: when attached to a heater in another office when the heat comes on it makes alot of noise... a nice little harrasment to others... :)