I think a bit of information might help:
Will the man's son ever become a President? If so, he'll have good company: President (of US) James Buchanan was a crocheter; President (of US) FDR was a knitter
Perhaps he'll want to tinker & explore for the better of mankind? If so, he'll be glad to know about Inventor and Chemist George Washington Carver who happen to also enjoy crocheting & other fiber arts.
Or maybe he'll join Marvin Smith, a well known photographer who's work was described as "Shakespearean," who was also a crocheter.
Play the music a bit loud & inspires to make it on the Top Charts? If so, he'll be in company with Vivan Stanshall, a "rocker" who was also an accomplished artist enjoyed a great number of various art forms, including crochet.
Or is sports his game? Rosie Grier, already mentioned in several answers here, had the book "Rosey Grier's Needlepoint for Men" published. He also crocheted. For a more current sports figure, google up & coming Ian Johnson who plays for Boise State; he's known as the "Crochet Boy," and is a candidate for the Heisman. (video recap here: http://video.msn.com/v/us/dw.htm?m=us&p=truveo&g=9c525401-3cbf-4655-8471-90a67d3d3cbc)
Is the boy destined for college? If so, then I also want to mention that many colleges are embracing the fiber arts to explore various theories: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/education/4099615.stm
I hope this information inspires the son to continue, and for the father to embrace his son's creative side.
~Dee Stanziano
Certified Crochet Teacher