I am a guy looking for sewing ideas and resources.?
2008-05-19 20:52:46 UTC
I learned to sew tents and custom work from a bunch of guys at a job I had. Since then I have made, outdoor gear, backpacks and duffels , hunting and camping gear, archery quivers and targets, etc. I like that it saves me money rather than buying them and I get to custom make things to my needs or modify items I already have.

The problem is I run out of ideas. I can never find a website or book that isn't about making curtains or handbags and girly stuff. I guess not many guys are into this sort of thing. I would never have been either if it wasn't for my job. They were all rugged guys that made me feel stupid for not knowing how to sew since you can do so much. They made kites and backpacks and all sorts of stuff cheap.

Its nice to be able to look at army surplus stores for ideas on how to construct something useful, but other than that I don't have many places to go. Sometimes it takes seeing something to realize I could make it. Any ideas? A website would be great.
Six answers:
2008-05-20 12:31:27 UTC
You might take a look at Nancy Restuccia's book Hold it! It's got a number of "manly" projects in it, and more that could be considered "male".

Or consider upholstery or boat fittings (try Or learning to sew airplane wings, which is how my grandfather learned to machine sew...

Or look at motorcycle touring bags, dog boots, horse mud sheets, chaps...

Or turn your attention outward... there are a number of sewn products that can be customized for disabled people, and few who do the work. Wheelchair cushions and upholstery, body slings, brace leathers, positioning cushions....

You might also get some ideas from Penny Schwyn's website,, though she primarily makes clothes and gear.
2008-05-19 21:42:57 UTC
I did a quick search and below are three sites that may give you some good ideas. Just for thought I googled (sewing camping gear) & (Sewing tactical gear). Try googling other ideas like (Sewing ideas for guys) or (sew your own outdoor gear). Just an idea!
2016-11-13 00:33:56 UTC
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2008-05-20 08:26:13 UTC
How about making mens shirts and the like and selling them on eBay? Even mens hats and baseball type of caps? After all, you're a man, and, you should know what colors and designs men would like a lot better than us women would know. You could probably eventually even start up your own ever-changing/stylish or sports men's clothing line.... Just a thought.....
2008-05-19 22:57:10 UTC
You're looking in the wrong places. Instead of sewing sources, look through catalogs of home decor, patio awnings, canvas swings and such.

I invented a useful home item that is also decorative, but it isn't one bit girly, in fact at least half of my orders are from practical male homeowners.

Kate D
2008-05-21 08:00:23 UTC
Some inspiration for blokes who want to sew, and not just blokish projects! (He don't sew bloke stuff, but he'm brilliant!) (Not bloke stuff AT AL, but a really great fella) (Look at Tailor Made) (A REAL back to basics nut... )

And this kid:

Who also made a quilt for a friend:

I also know blokes that make kites, re-enactment clothing, hot air balloons, gents natty suiting...

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.