you should find more information on internet. how to control?, what type will be good for beginner, include the best deal price and. let's me example, what is RC a little bit.
The letters rc mean radio control. You'll frequently see rc airplanes described as push-button control however technically this is an inaccurate term. Radio control is the appropriate term since the airplane manages respond to radio signals that go through the air from the transmitter (abbreviated to 'Tx') to the receiver (abbreviated to 'Rx').
The transmitter (also often just called the radio) is the major box that you hold in your hands and use to regulate your aircraft, the receiver is found inside the airplane and gets the radio signals sent out from the transmitter.
The signals are sent out to the model in the very same essential means as television and radio broadcasts are sent out. Signals are generated whenever you move a stick or flick a switch on the Tx, and they are released via the antenna, or aerial.
All radio indicates operate a frequency typically measured in kilohertz (kHz), megahertz (MHz) or ghz (GHz). The Tx and Rx need to be operating the very same frequency for them to interact and the gizmo that determines which frequency channel the radio system uses is called a crystal. Both the Tx and rx require a matching crystal to operate. Crystals are only required in traditional MHz radio systems ...
For information:
Hope it's useful