Hi ronnier,
I am Haley. I also live in massachusetts nice to talk to another crafter in the same state.
I tell you I have been to a few craft shows here in ma.Including Joannes fabric crafts show and just broke even.I had crafters telling me who were at it longer then I , I am selling my stuff to cheap lol yet I am the only one making money.
They tell me to put my stuff in one of the stores like cape cod crafters or newengland crafters( I believethat is what the name is) it is in walpole. I can find out if you are interested . They said because my stuff is good and I am short changing myself . Its a nice compliment but I think others are so much better :) I have thought about mikes and pats craft shows because they have so many customers in thousands but their shows are pricey $100 ,00 $120.00 dollars depending where they are. However if you make more then that because there are customers understanding this is a craft show and are regulars it might be worth trying. Have you ever tried there? I would not give up I would take pictures of your cards and make a book and pass them out to friends and families and co workers (at lunch) or better yet send a friend a card and when they ask where did you get them . Tell them and spread the word. Also just thinking maybe if you give a contribution everytime you sell like ten cards people would like that. have you tried fairs? or spaces at flea markets or yardsale even or maybe a church bazaar.
I think alot of the time with the craftshows I found out they don't even advertise well enough . Infact I went to one where there was no sign outside at all and all we did was sit there for 12 hours. No One not a single person came!
as you know they usually tell us we can't leave till its over. I had others crafters buy from me and I broke even till I spent it on lunch lol
Also I was wondering if you knew of any craft shows or bazzars or fairs. You might be able to share with me. I am sure your cards are beautiful! You know it might be an idea if everyone of us shared pictures of our different crafts that we could print and make a book out of, kinda like selling Avon or Tupperware and show it to each others families . friends, teachers ect. Another thing I just thought of is... If the school has a bazzar or whom ever and the proceeds are going to the place your having a sale. Hand them a business card and a order form so they can order some from you later on a personal basis. One more maybe you could offer your services for making birth announcements, or anniversary,Birthday parties ? i know alot of people look for things like that including call it crazy .... Cards for pets or wit pets on them . Welcoming a new friend to the family and a picture of the pooch or kitty or whatever animal inside. The animal industry is booming with things for pets and always looking for more and fresh ideas. Newyork has alll kind of specialty stores for pets including weddings. MA . is not far behind.
Who knows just some crazy ideas.
Don't give up!