How long it will take you to be a good horse rider?
2006-03-23 08:59:53 UTC
How long it will take you to learn how to ride horse and reach far place?
Thirteen answers:
2006-03-23 09:11:44 UTC
Well it depends on alot of variables, Its the horse properly trained, are you afraid, Animals can tell when your not in control, But dont expect to be a great rider in a week, wont happen, people who think their great riders in a week usually dont know what to do if the horse gets spooked by a little animal, or if they are being finniky, but in a week you might know how to trot and lope a horse, do a few jumps mabey even get the horse to walk backwards, but thats the horse usually not the rider
2006-03-23 09:10:23 UTC
It really depends on you and it depends on the horse as well. Practice makes perfect and spending a lot of time with the horse is helpful as well. Get to know the horse and allow him to get to know you. When you have a good relationship with the horse and he respects you, he will be an easy rider for you. I used to go with a friend of mine to chop wood every morning and he took his horse with him and he would saddle the horse up and let me ride him. I knew nothing about horses at the time, but I fell in love with that horse and the horse knew it. That horse was SO GENTLE AND CAREFUL everytime I got on his back. I spent a lot of time with the horse. I fed him I watered him I groomed him. Bad thing is, I had to go back home since winter break was over I miss that horse:'(
2006-03-23 09:12:16 UTC
General type of horse riding can be learned within weeks but if u want to become a master then its a long journey spread over years but it again depends on your skills.
2006-03-23 09:02:40 UTC
I already know horse riding. It took me 3 days to get a grip on the horses.
~Bling Bling Boy~
2006-03-23 09:06:08 UTC
11 years
2006-03-23 09:06:47 UTC
The first time I rode a horse I was good at it. Must be from reading all the westerns when I was a kid
2006-03-23 09:09:16 UTC
I guess it would depend on how long a day you spent with the horse.
Mr. Curious
2006-03-23 09:10:36 UTC
Well I think it took Christopher Reeve about 15 years.
2006-03-23 09:14:21 UTC
it will probley take about a week to know the housre

to be a comlamently rider it would probley take antour year

or two.
2006-03-23 09:03:07 UTC
not long as long as ur comfortable around horses
2006-03-23 09:08:27 UTC
Keep trying and you will probably sauced in a month or two
2006-03-23 09:07:18 UTC
three weeks of every day training. four hours each day, with a competent instructor.
2006-03-23 09:07:52 UTC
it took me 4 days.

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